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Forthcoming programming books (mostly Java related)


The Java EE 6 Tutorial: v. 2: Advanced Topics (Java (Prentice Hall)) [Paperback]
Publication Date: 10 Jan 2013

Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach [Paperback]
Publication Date: 12 Jan 2013

Learn Raspberry Pi With Linux (Learn Apress) [Paperback]
Publication Date: 18 Jan 2013

Enterprise OSGi in Action: With examples using Apache Aries [Paperback]
Publication Date: 28 Jan 2013

Effective Unit Testing: A guide for Java Developers [Paperback]
Publication Date: 28 Jan 2013


The Java Language Specification, Java SE 7 Edition [Paperback]
Publication Date: 13 Feb 2013

The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Java SE 7 Edition [Paperback]
Publication Date: 13 Feb 2013

OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804) (Certification Press) [Hardcover]
Publication Date: 20 Feb 2013


Core Java: Fundamentals Volume 1 (Sun Core) [Paperback]

Core Java, Volume II - Advanced Topics: 2 [Paperback]
Publication Date: 1 Mar 2013

Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer Exam 1Z0-804 And 1Z0-805 (J2SE 7 Platform)
Publication Date: 20 Mar 2013

OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 4.3: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 4.1 [Paperback]
Publication Date: 22 Mar 2013


Learning Java, 4th Edition
By Patrick Niemeyer, Daniel Leuck
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: April 2013 (est.)

Rapid Android Development: Build Rich, Sensor-Based Applications with Processing [Paperback]
Publication Date: 4 April 2013

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Overcome Java JNI gdb errors on GNU/Linux

If you happen to try to debug any Java JNI programs using gdb on GNU/Linux you will soon come across error messages. For example : $ gdb --args java MyJavaProgramUsingJNI cannot find user-level thread for LWP nnn: generic error warning: Cannot initialize thread debugging library: versions of libpthread and libthread_db do not match The reason for this is that the java program mucks around with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and that prevents gdb from running correctly. To overcome this, you have to run your Java program and place a pause in the Java code, such as reading a key, and then in another shell, run gdb to attach to the running Java process. You can then set your breakpoint on your JNI code and debug it. Here is an example : Compile your Java program: $ javac Generate the JNI header file: $ javah -jni Create and compile your C code library: $ cat jnilib.c #include "JNITest.h" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_JNITest_addValues( JNIEnv...