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Showing posts from September, 2011

Do you really get memory?

InfoQ: Do You Really Get Memory? A very interesting video and slide presentation about Java memory model. Summary Jevgeni Kabanov creates a CPU model in Java in an attempt to explain the underlying mechanism of memory performance bottlenecks and the need for a correlated hardware, OS and JVM improvement.


Here is an excellent IBM resource to Java Concurrency: Items to read, stuff to listen to, tutorials and downloads... Java concurrency: Building and testing concurrent applications for the Java platform


I noticed this interesting blog for the first time yesterday, and saw an entry about bytecode : ZeroTurnaround: Java Bytecode For Discriminating Developers Other bytecode links: IBM developerWorks:Java bytecode:Understanding bytecode makes you a better programmer wikibooks: Java Bytecode blog: Bytecode fundamentals JVM Spec