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Showing posts from 2009

NetBeans 6.8 released

NetBeans IDE 6.8 has been released. Tons of new features. New & Noteworthy Release Info link Cafe au Lait: NetBeans 6.8 NetBeans podcast #52: NetBeans 6.8 released

JDK updates

Java 6.0 Update 17 released (32 bug fixes) Java 6 Update 17: Release Notes Possibly the last update for Java 5.0 was also released : Java 5.0 Update 22 (24 bug fixes) Java 5.0 Update 22 : Release Notes

News Round Up

Java 5 Update 21 released - update independently of Java 6 - now that Java 5 has entered its End of Life Service, will we see any more updates? - 17 fixes in Update 21 - 26 fixes in Update 20 Java 5 "Star Dust" demo for Trident A very nice looking demo for the Trident animation library. "Star Dust" demo for Trident library Recommended book : SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide (CX-310-065) I've been refocusing on Java 6 and started reading this book, it is excellent so far. Amazon UK link

More Java 7 updates

Under the hood with Garbage First Deep Dive JDK 7 JDK 7 Shaped and translucent : JDK 7 Release Key Features JDK 7 Coin Final List

Java 6 Update 15^H^H16 released

Update: it looks like Update 16 has now quickly been released. Java SE 6 Update 15 has been released Release note mentions 34 fixes. Release Notes H online news about Java 6 Update 15 Also Java 5.0 Update 20: Java 5 downloads article round up has some great articles and news stories at the moment. These include : NIO.2 JDK 7 info. NIO.2 does look great, it has some wonderful new features. A Java Developer's Quiz, Part 2 Developers insight series, part 3: The Process of Writing Code An interesting series of insights and interviews with brilliant Java developers. NetBeans 6.7 beta released

Java conference material online

Just a reminder that the excellent Devoxx 2008 material is online. Includes videos from the Java genius Joshua Bloch: Devoxx home page currently has Joshua Bloch talk linked Parleys: all the videos/talks Lots of slides Lots more slides This conference looks excellent.

JDK 7 news

An interesting small article about JDK 7. The New IO stuff looks incredibly good. Planetarium: JDK 7: what to expect and when Another good JDK 7 link

NetBeans SQE

The SQE NetBeans plugin seems excellent. It provides Code defect analysis tools such as : FindBugs PMD CheckStyle Lint4J and metrics & dependency analysis tool. It's is easy to add to NetBeans 6.5.1. I just added their link : to my update centre and then was able to choose the SQE options to download. FindBugs & PMD are both excellent at finding potential issues with your Java code.

developerWorks: New to Java programming

This article has a huge collection of links for those interested in Java programming. It mainly lists information for Java programming newcomers, but the links cover all levels from beginner to expert. IBM developerWorks article: New to Java programming

java-gnome 4.0.10 update

This caught me eye recently: a new release of the interesting java-gnome project : java-gnome 4.0.10 (5 Mar 2009)

Java 6 Update 12 released

Major feature is that there is a 64-bit Java plugin, which is great news for people like me who run on 64-bit OSs. Lots of fixes also, 140 bug fixes listed. Java SE Download Java 6 U 12 Release Notes Planetarium: Upgrade to 6u12 SDN News: Java 6 u 12

VisualVM 1.1 released

VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis for the Java SE platform VisualVM home VisualVM release notes dzone: visual vm 1.1 now available

A handful of links

New Swing links of the week 18th January 2009 LWJGL 2.01 released JavaWorld: Java binding for OpenGL article JavaWorld: Year in Review: Java in 2008 article